Three words encapsulate our DNA, and define who we are and how we behave.
Clear – in our objectives and our advice.
Unambiguous – we will mean what we say and will say what we mean.
Straight-talking – we will avoid jargon and cliché, and will put fact before spin.
Integrity sits at the heart of our business:
We will not:
Sell you services you do not need.
Avoid telling you the truth.
Misuse your information and trade soft favours with it.
Keep regular office hours.
Carry on regardless when we do not understand something.
Offer flaky and aspirational advice.
Use a dozen words when three will do.
Be there for you when you want and need us.
Commit 100% to achieving agreed objectives.
Keep confidential everything we learn from you and about your business.
Tell you the truth, and not delay in doing so.
Be available when you want us to be.
Not pretend to know something when we do not.
In short we will deliver for you what you need when you need it, and believe that less is often more.